- The on-line submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the papers for all purposes of the Conference usage without further notice.
- Only original and unpublished works are invited.
- The User of this Account would be recognized as the Session Organizer of each submitted proposal.
- The number of proposals for each User (Session Organizer) is limited to ONE.
- All proposal submissions must be typed in ENGLISH.
- All panel participants named in this proposal have agreed to its submission for presentation at the IASTAM & ASHM 2024, and that the panel participants are familiar with the data and agree with the stated results.
- The Session Organizer agrees to, and does hereby assigns all rights, title and interest, including copyrights, in and to the proposal to the Publisher. When the proposal is ready for publication, it will be published at the Publisher's own expense, under the Publisher's name in a conference book.
- Only proposals that meet requirements will be considered for presentations.
- Session Organizer are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted proposals. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
- The maximum Panelists of each proposal are 6 people, moreover, should the panelists be not filling in the submission system the panelists will not be shown on the proposal.
- All the submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the IASTAM & ASHM 2024, and reviewing results will be announced by emailing a notice of acceptance/rejection to session organizer only by January 15 2024.
- This proposal conforms to all of the IASTAM & ASHM 2024, Proposal Rules and Procedures.
- Session Organizer and each Panelists are required to register online and complete the payment before April 8, 2024. Late Registration will cause paper exclusion in Conference Program.
- After submitting, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours from the system directly, if you fail to receive it, please kindly contact the Conference Secretariat.
- All proposals/papers must be submitted and be received on or before November
15 30, 2023 through On-line Submission System.
- Submission must be original and have not been published or presented at any conference prior to the IASTAM & ASHM 2024. The accepted papers will be published in the Abstract Book.
- All proposals/papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee of the IASTAM & ASHM 2024 and reviewing results will be announced by emailing a notice of acceptance / rejection to presenting authors only by January 15, 2024. Authors must register and pay the registration fees before Deadline for Early Bird Registration to ensure the rights for the presentation.
- The Scientific Program Committee of IASTAM & ASHM 2024 reserves the right to accept or refuse a paper, to designate papers either individual paper or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the paper. The authors’ preference of the type of presentation and theme will be taken into account.
- The number of abstracts for each account is limited to ONE.
- Authors of papers accepted for presentation MUST be registered delegates and be responsible for all expenses incurred in the production of their presentations, travel and accommodation during the Conference.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate paper. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. Papers will be rejected if they contain no data or if the English is unacceptable. All Presenting Authors will receive, closer to the Conference, detailed presentation guidelines when their paper/s has/have been accepted.
- Acknowledgement of the receipt of paper submission will be sent to the Presenting Author’s email address immediately upon submission. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the paper status, presentation type, date and time, via the email that is provided in the paper submission.
- All presentations must be in English.
Instructions for Preparing Proposals/Papers:
Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your paper.
To ensure that the Paper Submission System will work properly, the pop-up blocker of your internet browser needs to be turned off and cookies should be enabled. Paper authors should not split data to create several papers from one data set. If splitting is deemed to have occurred, scores of related papers may be reduced or papers simply rejected.
The Title of the Paper:
Ø Identifying information such as author or institution names should not be included in the title.
Ø Paper title should be in Upper case of first letter of each word.
Ø Title should be concise and indicate the content of the paper.
Ø NO full stop (or period) at the end and NO underlining.
○ This Is A Sentence Case Title About Multiple Histories Of Asian Medicines
The Authors of the Paper:
Ø The User of this Account would be recognizing as the Presenting Author, which will be the presenter of the submitted paper
Ø Number of co-authors is limited to TEN.
Ø Each co-author’s Full Name, Department, Organization and Country are required.
The Body of the Paper:
Ø A maximum of 300 words On-line Abstract. (spaces are not counted)
Ø A maximum of 2 Figure, table and/or graphs may be included
- Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted papers. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
- Papers should not contain proprietary or confidential information.
- Submitting a paper also certifies that at the time of submission, the scientific material found within the paper has not been presented at any other meeting and will not be published in other than paper form prior to the IASTAM & ASHM 2024.
- Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the automatic rejection of the paper.
*Before submitting, please prepare your abstract strictly according to the Submission Guideline. If papers received do not meet the specification, the Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to reject the submission.
On-line Abstract Submission:
- Complete the submission form at On-line Submission System. You will be given detailed instructions on how to proceed.
- Each paper can only be submitted once. The same paper cannot be submitted for consideration in different categories.
- An acknowledgement of the receipt of the paper will be sent automatically to the presenting author by e-mail upon the online submission.
- For those who has difficulty in accessing the on-line submission system, please contact the IASTAM & ASHM 2024 Submission & Registration Office at ictam-ashm.reg@elitepco.com.tw